Friday, October 17, 2008

Some Helpful Info

Some information I've gotten from other teacher's, parent's, etc...that I felt might be helpful and/or interesting:

Boys: carry your wallets in your front pockets, not your back to discourage pickpockets.

Travelers checks no longer have te best exchange rates. Neither does straight cash. The best rates are through ATM cards and Credit Cards. There are now more fees assessed with check exchanges than before. Cash would be the second best, but ATM and Credit Cards are what I'm going to suggest as the easiest way to get cash and make purchases for the best exchange rates.

Rates are at an all time low at the moment if you are wanting to exchange cash BEFORE we leave. This is also a good way to bypass exchange fees in Europe.

There is an exchange link on minutes from the last meeting.

Look for a post early next week for a meeting the following week.